Painting by Aschely Vaughan Cone titled "Pale Loom I, Found Thread, Yellow and Grey" $2,725.Pale Loom I, Found Thread, Yellow and GreyAschely Vaughan ConePainting$2,725
Painting by Arielle Zamora titled "I Can Be The Same" Sold.I Can Be The SameArielle ZamoraPaintingSold
Painting by Anna Koeferl titled "Banana Tree Sculpture No. 3" $1,550.Banana Tree Sculpture No. 3Anna KoeferlPainting$1,550
Painting by Eddie Perrote titled "Moonsong of Grief" $7,300.Moonsong of GriefEddie PerrotePainting$7,300
Drawing by Lucía Rodríguez Pérez titled "Untitled (behind the shrine)" Sold.Untitled (behind the shrine)Lucía Rodríguez PérezDrawingSold
Mixed Media by Xochi Solis titled "Raised to be protection from the fierce sun" $2,875.Raised to be protection from the fierce sunXochi SolisMixed Media$2,875
New York ArtistsFor over a decade, New York has been our home. To celebrate our roots, we've curated works by artists living and working across the state, from Queens to the Catskills.View 43 Artworks
Tongue-in-CheekCheek to cheeky. Humorous, sarcastic, and unexpected works to add to your collection.View 45 Artworks