Fay Ku is a Brooklyn, New York-based artist creating fantastical and otherworldly drawings inspired by myths, folklore, and her own experiences of displacement. Her drawings are characterized by dense, intricately detailed linework contrasted against large fields of untouched paper. Often depicting an isolated figure, Fay’s characters are unflinching and meet the viewer with direct eye contact and a steadfast gaze.
Art Fairs
Art Asia
Fay KuMiami, FL - Dec 03, 2012 - Dec 09, 2012
Uprise Art is exhibiting at ART ASIA in Miami during Art Basel Miami Beach. Uprise will also present two special installation projects: “Paper Tigers” by Fay Ku, and “Mix+Match” by Pratima Bjorkdahl.
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- Fay KuBrooklyn, NYArtist Page
110 NE 36th St., Miami, FL
Miami, FL