Hand-carved paintings on wood panel of headless women in patterned dress by artist Carmen McNall.

Utilizing feminine archetypes, Carmen McNall's work tells fragments of intimate stories and moments in time, referencing perseverance, strength and personal power in times of struggle.

Close-up of artist Carmen McNall painting a white floral pattern on an orange wood panel.
Hand-carved paintings on wood panel of women in patterned dresses by Carmen McNall.

Using a unique process that combines painting and wood-carving, McNall incorporates textures and patterns significant within the history of traditional craft-making. Her work balances patterns, organic shapes, and stretches of pure pigment, suspending the depicted objects in saturated space, and accentuating the grooves of the carved wood.

The figures in my work are adorned with a novel blend of symbolic patterns and mark-making. They rest within their own elements, surrounded by a complex yet tranquil interior landscape that inhabits both ancient and futuristic realms.

Carmen McNall

A framed, figurative painting of a woman in a pink and purple patterned dress by artist Carmen McNall.
Three paintings on wood panel of headless women in patterned dress by artist Carmen McNall.

These works tell fragments of intimate stories and moments in time, referencing perseverance, strength and personal power in times of struggle. McNall’s practice relates directly to the handmade in both subject matter and execution, opening a dialogue on the relationship between people, their environments, and what inherently fastens us to our surroundings - examining the empowering qualities these places retain.

The faceless figures in my work resemble Goddess-like muses as they rest in dynamic yet effortless poses. Each one embodies strength, confidence, and wisdom alike.

Carmen McNall

A hand-carved painting on wood panel of a women in a patterned blue dress by artist Carmen McNall.
Artist Carmen McNall sitting in a green chair in her studio with her figurative paintings installed on a white wall behind her.